Implementasi Brand Image Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Produk “KITA” Di Perum Bulog Kancab Malang
PMMB, BULOG, Brand Image, Sales VolumeAbstract
Competition in business and the labor force at this time has become more competitive, requiring students to have competitiveness and qualified skills. In this regard, the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) held a work program, “program magang mahasiswa bersertifikat”(PMMB). This program was formed as a synergy for BUMN and a commitment from (Forum Human Capital Indonesia) FHCI to contribute the development of human resources. As a participating BUMN, Perum BULOG carries out the task not only Public Service (PSO) but also the commercial duties. One of the efforts of (Perusahaan Umum) Perum (Badan Urusan Logistik) BULOG to carry out its commercial function is to create a brand consisting of staple food products with the brand "KITA". Based on the data, the sales volume of KITA's food product business seems to have fluctuated and is not yet optimal. One of the strategic efforts to increase sales volume is to build a good brand image. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, using informants to conduct interviews and observations at Perum BULOG Kantor Cabang (Kancab) Malang. The results showed that brand image has an effect on increasing the sales volume of KITA’s products.
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