Application Study Of Service Area Management
Beauty Salon " Moerty Salon”
Keywords: Beauty SalonAbstract
This research was conducted on the date and time as follows:
Place : Moerty Salon, Jl. Trowulan Temple 42-Malang.
Time: 3 months (calculated from the day the research was received at the moerty salon until the final interview).
The basic method of this research uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. Descriptive analysis is a method of examining a status, a group of people, an object that aims to make a systematic description or description of the data obtained.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yasmin Kurnia Tote, Elviana Osi Bili, Firda Puspita Sari, Yunita Mali, Yudha Setiawan, Johan Balik Subagyo, Achmad Taufik
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.