Accounting Information System Analysis Of Cash Receipts At The Central Hospital Of The Navy Dr. Ramelan


  • Nirwan Yusuf Ferdiansyah University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Khojanah Hasan University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Dwi Anggarani University Of Widyagama Malang



Path Analysis, Naval Hospital Dr. Ramelan, Accounting Information System


The hospital is an organization that aims to provide the best health services to the community. To realize efforts to improve the quality of service quality for the community, hospitals need an Accounting Information System. Accounting information systems can add organizational value with accurate, relevant and timely information. With the existence of an accounting information system, hospital operations become more effective and efficient and can improve hospital internal control. Research using descriptive qualitative analysis. Methods of data analysis by collecting, describing, analyzing data about the internal control system. The results showed that the accounting information system of RSAL dr. Ramelan is adequate and plays an effective and efficient role in improving the internal control of the hospital. The weakness can be seen from the system acceptance recap which has to be done twice because one process can actually be trimmed to make it more efficient.


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How to Cite

Nirwan Yusuf Ferdiansyah, Khojanah Hasan, & Dwi Anggarani. (2023). Accounting Information System Analysis Of Cash Receipts At The Central Hospital Of The Navy Dr. Ramelan. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 33–44.



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