Fraud Prevention In The Manufacturing Sector

Study On Manufacturing Companies Registered In The Association Of Bonded Zone Companies In Central Java-DIY


  • Afi Nurafia Islamic University Of Indonesia



Coercive Isomorphism, Mimetic Isomorphism, Normatic Isomorphism, Information Technology, Fraud Prevention


Manufacturing companies registered in bonded zones tend to have institutional pressures. The company must be subject to regulations both statutory regulations and regulations published by the Ministry of Finance. Entering the era of industry 5.0, information technology has become an important thing that must be applied to companies. This study was conducted to examine the Prevention of fraud in the sector of manufacturing companies registered in the Association of bonded zone registered in Central Java-DIY using pressure isomorphism and Information Technology. This study is a quantitative research with a survey approach with respondents consisting of 165 companies registered in the Association of bonded zone in Central Java and DIY.


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How to Cite

Afi Nurafia. (2023). Fraud Prevention In The Manufacturing Sector: Study On Manufacturing Companies Registered In The Association Of Bonded Zone Companies In Central Java-DIY. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 223–231.



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