Analysis Of The Empowerment Of Zakat Funds In Improving The Welfare Of Fishermen In Sukabangun Village, Ketapang Regency
Empowerment of Zakat, Fishermen's WelfareAbstract
This study aims to find out: 1) The pattern of empowering zakat funds in Sukabangun fishermen, 2) The condition of the fishermen's economic welfare after the zakat fund empowerment program.This research is a field research with a qualitative approach and descriptive method. Primary data sources and secondary data. Primary data are 5 fishermen and 1 head of BAZNAS while secondary data are documents, books, journals and mass media publications related to the research focus. Data collection techniques are observation, direct interviews with interview guide tools, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the pattern of program empowerment is carried out in the planning stage by conducting RKAT (Year Budget Work Meeting) for economic empowerment programs. the implementation stage of the program by submitting requests for assistance after which the needs and economic conditions are examined. The Evaluation Phase holds routine meetings once a month until the mustahik becomes independent without assistance from a companion. the condition of fishermen's welfare after the empowerment program, before there was assistance from BAZNAS, fishermen's capital was very difficult to meet family needs because they had to rent a boat with one of the fishermen's bottom. . The change after receiving zakat is income, mustahik becomes munfiq and creates group brotherhood. It is hoped that Baznas Ketapang Regency will conduct training in marketing fisherman business products.
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