The Effectiveness Of The Application Of Local Government Information System (SIPD) In The Coordinating Board For Regional Government And Development Iii Of East Java Province In Malang


  • Putri Mellady Antika Berta University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Syamsul Bahri University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Hartini P. Pawestri University Of Widyagama Malang



Effectiveness, Program, SIPD


The State of Indonesia adheres to the principle of regional autonomy which causes each region to manage its regional affairs independently. The SIPD was designed by the Ministry of Home Affairs with the aim of justifying the flow of stages in the preparation of regional plan documents in accordance with statutory requirements. The goal of this study was to examine the efficacy of regional government information system implementation in the Regional Government and Development Coordinating Board III of East Java Province in Malang. The descriptive qualitative research approach was employed in this study. The data of this research uses secondary and primary data. The data collection technique for this research uses observation, documentation and interviews related to the Regional Government Information System. The data analysis approach used in this investigation is Duncan's theory in Steers and Sutrisno as a metric for assessing SIPD efficacy. The findings of this study demonstrate that SIPD is effective implementation in Bakorwil III Malang has been effective based on existing indicators.


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How to Cite

Putri Mellady Antika Berta, Syamsul Bahri, & Hartini P. Pawestri. (2023). The Effectiveness Of The Application Of Local Government Information System (SIPD) In The Coordinating Board For Regional Government And Development Iii Of East Java Province In Malang. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 156–166.



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