Hedonic Conformity and Impulsive Tendencies towards Consumptive Behavior in Central Ternate City Community Mediated by Consumptive Lifestyle
Hedonic Conformity, Impulsive Tendencies, Consumptive Behavior, Consumptive LifestyleAbstract
This research explores the relationship between hedonic conformity, impulsive tendencies, consumptive lifestyle, and consumptive behavior among individuals in Central Ternate. The sample for this study was selected using Purposive Sampling, and data was collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The Partial Least Square (PLS) approach was used for data analysis. The study's findings indicate that hedonic conformity and impulsive tendencies have a significant and positive impact on consumptive behavior. Additionally, the study supports the idea that the consumptive lifestyle variable can mediate the relationship between hedonic conformity and consumptive behavior. However, the study does not find evidence to support the idea that the consumptive lifestyle variable can mediate the relationship between impulsive tendencies and consumptive behavior. Overall, this research provides insight into the factors that contribute to consumptive behavior among individuals in Central Ternate.
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