The Role Of Product Quality, Brand Image, And Pricing In Purchasing Polygon Bicycles
Product Quality, Brand Image, Pricing, Purchase DecisionAbstract
In the era of globalization and the Covid-19 pandemic as it is today with the development of the times, technology, and sports and transportation facilities, bicycles are in demand and sought after by enthusiasts and consumers. The purpose of this study is 1).To determine the effect of product quality on consumer decisions in purchasing polygon brand bicycles in Nganjuk city 2).To determine the effect of brand image on consumer decisions in purchasing polygon brand bicycles in Nganjuk city, and 3).To determine the effect of pricing on consumer decisions in purchasing polygon brand bicycles in the city of Nganjuk 4). To determine the effect of product quality, brand image and pricing on consumer decisions in purchasing polygon brand bicycles in Nganjuk city.
The type of this research is quantitative research with causal associative research design (cause and effect). The population in this study was 200 people, but the sample used was 133 respondents who were taken with the Slovin formula. While the sampling technique using Probability Sampling. The data collection technique is the questionnaire method. The brand variables studied include product quality, image, pricing as independent variables and consumer decisions as variables.
The results showed that: (1) product quality variable had a partial effect on purchasing decisions, t_count was 3.270 with Sig. 0.002 (2) brand image variable has a partial effect on purchasing decisions, t_count is 2.953 and Sig.0.001 (3) pricing variable has partial effect on purchasing decisions, t_count is 2.365 with Sig. 0.001 (4) variables of product quality, brand image and pricing have a simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions. f_hitung is 8.506 and Sig.0.000.
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