Inflation, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Oil Price, And Composite Stock Price Index In 2018-2021


  • Oyami Sara University Of North Sumatra



Inflation, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Oil Price, Composite Stock Price Index


The decline in the Indonesian economy also had an impact on trading on the capital market by showing a decline in the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG), Pratama, 2020, where the economic decline included (inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, and oil price). This research was conducted to analyze inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, oil prices, gold prices, and the Composite stock price index (IHSG). The data used is secondary data, namely data on the 20182021 composite stock price index, which was collected into 48 samples, and the tool used as an analytical tool is SPSS. The results of this study shows that inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, and oil price have a significant effect on the composite stock price index.


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How to Cite

Oyami Sara. (2023). Inflation, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Oil Price, And Composite Stock Price Index In 2018-2021. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 359–368.



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