The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance at Pt. Tately N.V Bayat Ilir Village Bayung Lincir Palembang


  • Sudirman Batanghari University
  • Ubaidillah Batanghari University



Motiovation, Employee Performance


The purpose of this reaserch is to find out and describe the motivation  and perpormance of employees at  PT.  Tately  N.V Desa  Bayat Ilir Bayung Lencir  Palembang  and to know  and analyze the effect  of motivation on performance  of  employees at  PT.  Tately  N.V Desa  Bayat Ilir Bayung Lencir  Palembang. This research is a descriptive quantitative research and analysis  tool used  In this research are simple linear regression is useful to see the direction of the relationship between the variabel bound  agains free. For the purpose of answering the purpose number 2 statistical test t. the correlation coefficient  to know  how the relationship  between  variables and coefficients  of  determination of useful  to see  the magnitude of  the  influence of the  variable and  boud against  free.


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How to Cite

Sudirman, & Ubaidillah. (2023). The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance at Pt. Tately N.V Bayat Ilir Village Bayung Lincir Palembang. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 857–861.



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