Perilaku Keuangan Dan Toleransi Risiko Keuangan Rumah Tangga (Konsumsi Dan Investasi) Era Covid-19
Financial Behaviour, Financial Risk Tolerance, Household, COVID-19Abstract
Uncertainty is a certain thing that will happen someday in the future. As a matter of fact, this life is covered by uncertainty even in a small scale or a big one. It is something that we do not want to and surely it is not a predictable thing. The COVID-19 pandemic is a global issue that greatly affects various sectors of life and industry. Todays, in this pandemic, life is full of uncertainty. Households experience great turmoil in carrying out their lives, especially in terms of finances, both for consumption and investment activities. This paper is a literature study which aims to provide a more detailed picture of financial behavior and household financial risk tolerance for both consumption and investment activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Good financial literacy affects financial behavior and individual financial risk tolerance. Results showed that when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, the level of household consumption in the second quarter-2020 experienced a decline in almost all regions of Indonesia. Financial investations of households also declined in the second quarter-2020 and households’ investment preferences during this pandemic tend to change to risk averse or risk hater.
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