The Depletion of Public Trust: The Case of Brigadier J and Its Implications for the National Police
The murder case of Brigadier J has created a wave of public distrust towards the National Police. This incident
sparked a debate about transparency and integrity in law enforcement in Indonesia. Through analysis of media and
public reactions, this article explores the factors that led to the decline in public trust. The findings show that a lack
of disclosure of information and handling of cases that are considered unfair contribute to this crisis of trust.
Implications for the National Police include the need for systemic reform and increased accountability to restore
public trust. This research highlights the importance of effective communication and transparency in rebuilding
relationships between the police and the community. This research method is normative legal research. Data sources
in this research use primary, secondary and tertiary data sources. Normative juridical analysis.
Keyword: Case, Implications, Nastional Police
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