Analysis Of The Application Of Human Resources Accounting To Profitability In The Company's Financial Statements At PT. Khatulistiwa Mulia Indonesia
Human Resource Accounting, Financial Statements, ProfitabilityAbstract
Current economic growth can have an impact on the rise in Profitability in a government agency's or a company's Financial Statements. The purpose of accounting is to provide a method for calculating and reporting economic data for use in decision-making within an organization. Since the 1960s, people have been talking about the latest innovations in accounting, particularly in what is known as Human Resource Accounting (ASDM) or Human Resource Accounting (HRA). Accounting theory development gave rise to ASDM, with the difference being that ASDM's growth has continued to focus on human resources as both a source and a component of a company's success. Human Resource Accounting is defined as the process of identifying data about Human Resources and disseminating this data to relevant parties (Belkaoui, 1995). The definition of Belkaoui itself means Human Resource Accounting aims to identify the value of Human Resources, Measuring human costs and values contributed to the company, and assessing the influence of understanding this information and its impact on human behavior towards an organization and on the financial profitability of the Company. This study used a descriptive qualitative method of data analysis and was conducted at PT. Khatulistiwa Mulia Indonesia in Malang, East Java. In order for accurate bookkeeping and a clear presentation of all the information gathered, the firm must first establish a system for recording and organizing all of the data it collects.
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