Financial Ratio Analysis to Measure The Company's Financial Performance Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic At PT. Universal Packaging Services (UJK)
Financial Performance, Solvency Ratio, Profitability Ratio, Liquidity RatioAbstract
Beginning in 2020, a brand-new occurrence known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) startled the entire world. Particularly in Indonesia, this phenomena is growing quickly and has a significant impact on many facets of daily life (Susilo, et al, 2020). Economic activity has been significantly impacted by this virus, particularly in Indonesia's industrial sector. The Covid-19 epidemic, according to Haryanto (2020), caused the value of the rupiah to decrease. The decline in the rupiah's value occurred up to IDR 16,600 per US dollar in comparison to the time before the pandemic, when it was IDR 14,000 per US dollar. The level of inflation in Indonesia in 2020 was the lowest it has been since 2014. One of the factors that must be examined for urgency in decision-making and business sustainability is the company's performance. Financial performance analysis, Fahmi (2017) asserts that doing an analysis is essential to persuading the organization to adhere to predetermined rules for the proper and accurate use of funds. Information was acquired at PT. Universal Packaging Services about the company's financial performance prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic (UJK). The results of the computation of the liquidity ratio vary from year to year when computing the current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio. The return on equity (ROE) decreases every year, but there aren't many ups and downs in the profitability ratio computation based on the calculation of gross profit margin (GPM), net profit margin (NPM), and return on assets (ROA). The debt to asset ratio (DAR) and debt to equity ratio computations used to determine the solvency ratio fluctuate annually (DER).
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