Analisis Rasio Keuangan Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sebelum Dan Saat Pandemi Covid 19 Pada Pt Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk.


  • Nur Wahyu Riduan Universitas Widyagama Malang
  • Dwi Anggarani Universitas Widyagama Malang
  • Zainudin Universitas Widyagama Malang


Covid 19, Financial Ratios, Finacial Performance


In the current Covid 19 pandemic, competition in the business world is also getting tougher. This makes each company carry out strategies to be able to win the existing competition, in order to continue its business or be able to maintain its survival. The approach and also the type of research used by the researcher is descriptive research. In this study the object to be seen is financial performance with a predetermined period so that the data needed is the financial report of PT Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk. in 2019 - 2020 (Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic). companies using the basic theory of financial ratios. The subject of this research was conducted at PT. Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk. by using the required data through the company's financial statements where the company's financial statements that are needed are the income statement and also the statement of financial position (balance sheet). Where the Financial Statement data is obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Descriptive analysis here uses a thought based on a theory of financial ratio analysis on the company's financial statements in order to obtain a financial ratio that will be used to provide an overview of the company's financial performance in a predetermined period. From the liquidity side of the 3 ratios that have been tested and processed, namely NWCA Ratio, Current Ratio and Quick Ratio, it can be concluded that from the liquidity side of PT Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk. did not experience the impact of covid 19 due to the increasing ratio from 2019 (before covid 19) to 2020 (during the covid 19 pandemic). From the leverage side 2 ratios that have been tested and processed, namely DAR and DER, it can be concluded that from the leverage side, PT Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk. did....


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How to Cite

Nur Wahyu Riduan, Dwi Anggarani, & Zainudin. (2021). Analisis Rasio Keuangan Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sebelum Dan Saat Pandemi Covid 19 Pada Pt Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 1(1), 347–357. Retrieved from



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