Transdisciplinary Risk Management Accounting 4.0: Finance Egalitarian Digital Evidance From Indonesia


  • Whedy Prasetyo University Of Jember
  • Mohammad Fiqkri University Of Jember



Transdisciplinary, Risk Management Accounting 4.0, Egalitarian Digital


The purpose of this paper is to development of a transdisciplinary risk management accounting 4.0 through comprehensive skills, technology updates, and knowledge upgrades. This achievement requires reflection and supervision in awareness, professional development, education and reaching out through creative, independent and responsible exploration. In so doing, it draws upon insights from other papers in risk management accounting on the theme of high order cognitive skills finance for business. The paper draws heutagogical philosophy by providing choices and opportunities to design the business process in descriptive qualitative through in-depth interviews with educational observers. The paper explain that the risk finance design for business accounting management fosters the convergence of knowledge and technology. This convergence makes the development of business adaptive. The paper produce a risk management that promotes a dynamic and flexible egalitarian digital to explore scholar creatively, independently and responsibly.


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How to Cite

Whedy Prasetyo, & Mohammad Fiqkri. (2023). Transdisciplinary Risk Management Accounting 4.0: Finance Egalitarian Digital Evidance From Indonesia. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 256–267.



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