Implementation Of Risk Management To Anticipate Price Fluctuations In The Sale And Purchase Of Shallot Seeds In Rejoso Sub-District, Nganjuk District


  • Prasetya Tri Mahendra Nganjuk College Of Economics
  • Ika Novaliana Nganjuk College Of Economics



Risk management, Price fluctuations


Risk Management is basically really needed in a business, from large businesses to small businesses. Because implementing risk management will help entrepreneurs know the obstacles that will occur in a business. The shallot seed business is a fairly high level of risk, in this business there are things that need to be known such as depreciation rates, market developments such as fluctuations in prices. By knowing risks like these, it will make it easier for entrepreneurs to make decisions and be able to take action to lead to possible risks that will occur. From this it is also very clear why risk management is very important for the development of this business. Talking about the shallot seed business, there are several stages of risk management that can be applied, namely: (a) risk identification, (b) risk analysis, (c) risk control. By carrying out these steps it will be possible to help overcome risks in the shallot seed business. Because considering the level of price fluctuations and the rate of depreciation on shallots is very unstable. It is hoped that shallot seed entrepreneurs know about risk management so that they can assist in running the business.


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How to Cite

Prasetya Tri Mahendra, & Ika Novaliana. (2023). Implementation Of Risk Management To Anticipate Price Fluctuations In The Sale And Purchase Of Shallot Seeds In Rejoso Sub-District, Nganjuk District. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 626–638.



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