The Effect Of Downsizing On Turnover Intention With Organizational Commitment As A Mediating Variable


  • Salwa Saesabillah University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Survival University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Dharmayanti Pri Handini University Of Widyagama Malang



Downsizng, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, Path Analysis


The researchers at Exel Mandiri Inovasi set out to learn how layoffs affected their workers' intentions to leave the company and found that the presence of strong organizational commitment had a mediation role. Exel Mandiri Inovasi Company personnel made up the sample population (n=69). Total sampling was used to calculate the sample size, and we found that we needed 69 samples to adequately represent the population. This research used a "Saturated Sample (Total Sampling) or Census" sample approach and a "Non Probability Sampling" sampling method. There were a total of 69 participants in this research. Smart Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) and SPSS for Window are used to analyze the data. The findings demonstrated that downsizing has an effect on turnover intent. Lowered employee dedication to the company is another negative consequence of massive downsizing. An increased level of dedication to the company has been shown to reduce the likelihood of employee turnover. With regards to Exel Mandiri Inovasi Company's goal to turn over new leaf, organizational commitment functions as a go-between.


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How to Cite

Salwa Saesabillah, Survival, & Dharmayanti Pri Handini. (2023). The Effect Of Downsizing On Turnover Intention With Organizational Commitment As A Mediating Variable. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 459–473.



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