The Influence Of Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, And Work Discipline On Employee Performance At PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) Tbk Medan
Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline, Employee PerformanceAbstract
This research was conducted with the main objective of testing whether leadership style, job satisfaction and work discipline have an influence on the performance of each of these employees. The employees studied are related to PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Tbk Medan. For this reason, in order to produce relevant research results, this research was compiled on the basis of a descriptive quantitative approach, meaning that the testing process will be carried out with survey results also analyzed using various tests. The test is to be able to answer the formulation of the problem then it is done with multiple regression analysis. The results show that overall has a positive influence. These results are presented in the results of the F test and T test stating that they have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. The influence between variables simultaneously is 55.9% or 44.1% is influenced by other variables. These results explain that the better the process of company leaders will result in job satisfaction which will also have an impact on discipline. For this reason, when a company wants to achieve the best employee performance, a leadership strategy is needed and maximizes discipline and employee job satisfaction.
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