The Influence of Social Support and Competence on Career Development Mediated by Job Performance
This study aims to test and prove empirically the role of social support and competence on career development and improve work performance of the Regional Apparatus Organisation of the Batu City Transportation Office. Theoretically, the results of this study are expected to enrich and complement knowledge in the field of strategic management, so that it can be useful for academics and practitioners.The quantitative approach is used as the main analysis method supported by a qualitative approach. The research population is all employees who are in the Batu City Transportation Office consisting of civil servants, non-permanent employees (Honorary) and Pramubakti. that is 84 employees. All employees were sampled and thus analysed data processing techniques using the Partial learst Square (PLS) based SEM method with SmartPLS software.
The results of this study indicate that: (1) Social support has a direct and significant influence on work performance. (2) Competence has a direct and significant influence on job performance. (3) Social support has a direct and significant influence on career development. (4) Competence has a direct and significant influence on career development. (5) Job performance has a direct and significant influence on career development. (6) Job performance mediates the relationship between social support and career development. (7) Job performance mediates the relationship between competence and career development.
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