The Effect Of Growth Opportunity On The Value Of Companies With Capital Structure As An Intervening Variable In Manufacturing Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange In 2017-2021


  • Lisfi Ika Ardianti Wahyono University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Muchlis H. Mas’ud University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Alfiana University Of Widyagama Malang



Growth Opportunities, Modular Structure, Corporate Value


The  reason  of  this  consider  was  to  decide  the  commitment  of  the  profitable  learning experience variable to the esteem of companies with a measured structure as an catch variable in fabricating companies recorded  on the Indonesia stock trade  in 2017- 2021. The approach in  this inquire about  may be a quantitative clear inquere about.The objects in this investigate are development openings, secluded structure, and firm esteem. The subjects in this think about utilized Fabricating Companies recorded on the Indonesia Stock Trade for the period 2017 to 2021. The data utilized in this ponder was gotten to by means of In this investigate, the specified quantitative data is the company's money  related  articulations.  Total  populace  to  be  examined  in  this  think  about  are  26 companies.  The  inspecting  strategy  utilized  in  this  think  about  utilized  a  purposive examination strategy and gotten all out 14 tests. The data utilized in this inquire about is auxiliary  data.  The  data  investigation  method  in  this  think  about  employments  different direct relapse tests. The comes about of this think about indicate that: Learning involvement features a positive and noteworthy impact on firm esteem. Learning experience includes a positive  and  critical  impact  on  the  measured  structure.  Measured  structure  includes  a critical  negative  impact  on  firm  esteem.  Secluded structure is  incapable  to  intercede the impact of learning encounter on firm esteem.


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How to Cite

Lisfi Ika Ardianti Wahyono, Muchlis H. Mas’ud, & Alfiana. (2023). The Effect Of Growth Opportunity On The Value Of Companies With Capital Structure As An Intervening Variable In Manufacturing Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange In 2017-2021. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 331–342.



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