Analysis Of Financial Performance At PT Rara Duta Armada In Jakarta

Study Of Financial Statements At PT Rara Duta Armada In 2019-2021


  • Retno Ayu Aprillya University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Survival University Of Widyagama Malang
  • Mulyono University Of Widyagama Malang



Analysis, Finance, Ratio


As a growing company, PT Rara Duta Armada continues to strive to be consistent in implementing a good financial management structure to generate profits every year. Therefore, an analytical calculation of financial indicators must be carried out in order to know financial performance and evaluate it and design what should be done in the future. This study uses an exploratory approach and secondary data. While the type of data used is quantitative. The data collection method in this study is a documentation technique, which is used to collect and record the financial statements of PT Rara Duta Armada (RDA) Jakarta for 2019-2021. The analysis technique uses descriptive statistics. From the results of the study conducted in terms of the liquid ratio, the company is unable to meet its current liabilities. In terms of solvency, it is shown that the company is insolvable/loss because the company's capital cannot cover debts to outsiders. In terms of profitability, it can be seen that the company did not even make a profit, because the profits from the capital used in operations resulted in profits that were below the company's internal average. In terms of operational and revenue growth, the company was unable to achieve the standard ratio.


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How to Cite

Retno Ayu Aprillya, Survival, & Mulyono. (2023). Analysis Of Financial Performance At PT Rara Duta Armada In Jakarta: Study Of Financial Statements At PT Rara Duta Armada In 2019-2021. Conference on Economic and Business Innovation (CEBI), 3(1), 343–358.



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