Analisis Compensation Cost PT. PETROKIMIA GRESIK Terhadap Tenaga Kerja Outsourcing (Studi Kasus Pada Candal Rutin 3 PT. Petrokimia Gresik)
Compensation, Outsourcing, Wage RecapitulationAbstract
This research aims to analyze the cost of wage compensation and outsourcing or outsourcing applied to Candal Rutin 3 PT. Petrochemical Gresik. The type of research conducted is qualitative descriptive that focuses on the flow of the wage and overtime recapitulation process, the calculation of overtime compensation, and the estimated cost of labor. The analysis of data in this study begins by analyzing the documents used in the recapitulation process, the flow of recapitulation of wage and overtime compensation, estimates of compensation costs, and problems faced. The results of this study found evidence that the compensation recapitulation process requires human resources, prone to manipulation of attendance lists, and differences in total overtime data. This is due to the use of absenteeism that is still done manually. Thus the billing data from the outsourcing company must be reviewed by PT. Petrochemical Gresik and need supervision related to the list of employees present.
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