Analisis Komparatif Abnormal Return Dan Trading Volume Activity Pt Telkom Indonesia (Event Study Pandemi)
Abnormal Return (AR), Trading Volume Activity (TVA), Event StudyAbstract
This study aims to determine the difference between Abnormal Return (AR) and Trading Volume Activity (TVA) on the share price of PT Telkom Indonesia before and after the announcement of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The method used in this research is event study research with a quantitative approach with data sampling as much as 35 data before the Covid pandemic and 32 samples of data after the Covid pandemic which is focused on reporting stock transaction summaries at the beginning of each week. The test in this study used the paired sample test with the result that there was no difference in abnormal returns as indicated by a significance value of 0.97>0.05 and there was a difference in trading volume activity which was indicated by a significance value of 0.00<0.05 during the period before and after the announcement of covid-19 in Indonesia.
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