Analisis Penerapan Konsep Penyeimbangan Lini (Line Balancing) Pada Sistem Produksi (Studi Pada PT Starvi Nusa Gemilang – Jakarta)
Line Balancing, Workstation, Line Efficiency, Idle Time, Ranked Position Weight, Moodie YoungAbstract
In the face of increasingly complex business competition, companies are required to be able to create increasing productivity. One of the efficient ways to carry out the production process is by balancing the production line. The problem that occurs in this company is that the balance of the production line is not optimal. The efficiency trajectory in the chemical production work group in the initial conditions is 11.29% and the total idle time is 155.13 minutes with a total of 9 work stations. The current low efficiency and high idle time show that there is an imbalance in the production trajectory in the Working Group. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal production line and work station using the Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) method which can increase line efficiency to 14.51% with the total time down to 56.79 minutes and the number of work stations reduced to 7 stations.When using Moodie Young's Heuristic method, it can increase line efficiency by 71.96%, reduce idle time to 126.96 minutes and reduce the number of work stations to 8 stations. The recommendation for the company is to apply this method with the aim of balancing the production line in other work groups.
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