The Use Of E-Commerce My Pertamina For Business As An Effort To Improve Customer Satisfaction
Study At PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Central Java Section
Marketing Strategy, Customer Satisfaction, My Pertamina For BusinessAbstract
This internship report was created to explain the implementation of the marketing strategy for the sale of industrial products for the Oil Fuel (BBM) and non-Fuel Oil (BBM) industries such as Asphalt and petrochemical products at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Central Java using the My Pertamina For Business Application. Implementation of the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB) batch 2 of 2023 starts from March 2022 to September 2022. Data collection uses observations, interviews, field activity reports and documentation.
From the results of the internship it is known that one of the sales strategies is to use My Pertamina For Business which is to facilitate the transaction process for Agents and Distributors of Industrial and non-Fuel Petroleum (BBM) products in the hope that satisfaction with service can make existing collaborations achieve goals for both short term goals and long term goals.
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