Measurement of Hard Competency Through Self Assessment In Employees of PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) Madiun
Human Resource, Self Assessment, Competency, Hard SkilAbstract
This internship report has been compiled with the aim of explaining the assessment activities carried out by the Human Resources division called "Self Assessment Hard Competency", which is an assessment to measure the level of hard competency / hard skills of all employees at PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero). through Self Assessment activities. The implementation of the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB) batch 2 in 2023 starts from October 2022 until the end of March 2023. Data collection comes from observations, interviews, field activity reports, documentation results, and articles from previous researchers. The results of the internship show that by carrying out the hard competency assessment based on self-assessment, it will make it easier for HR to map skills (capabilities), especially the technical capabilities of employees and to monitor the level of competency they have achieved. Later these results will be evaluated for the purpose of developing the company's human resources, training/training needs, as well as the need to increase employee career paths.
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